We test our products in order to ensure that we meet the high standards for our customers’ demand. Every single product we manufacture or supply undergoes extensive testing before being dispatched for delivery.
Our quality process is controlled by specific guidelines and procedures established in the company's quality manual, supporting tiers of procedures, and work instructions.
By testing our products, we are also having an opportunity to speed up our R&D efforts and as such used as a very effective engineering tool.
· The level of control exerted is dependent on the type of product or service, and the impact on the quality of the final products and services provided to our customer.There are procedures detailing criteria to determine the capability of the factories, which include the selection,evaluation, and re-evaluation of the factories.Vital materials and products are audited on a regular basis to determine the adequacy of their quality system.
To guarantee our effectiveness, BELGO Industry attracted, assembled and developed the following:
- State of the art equipment
- Trained and experienced staff
- Internal training and education program
- Quality Manuals
- Technical Datasheets/Drawings
Our experienced team is ready to meet your quality expectations both for the standard and non-standard type of our products for which our engineer team provides the following tests :
- Noise Testing - Running Accuracy Testing - Vibration Testing - Material Chemistry Inspection - Radial Clearance Inspection - Contact Angle Inspection - Micro-structure Inspection - Dimension Inspection - Hardness Inspection - Roughness & Roundness Inspection - Surface Evaluation - Mounting Holes Check - Many Other Tests...
That is why, our slogan...Go for Revolutionary Engineering !